Yoga is an age old system developed & proved by our ancient sages and seers and is fully scientific. It is truly capable of leading us towards total fulfillment.
Yoga is derived from the root word ‘yuj’ which means to join. There are many definitions.
What Is Yoga ?
Yoga is the union of the soul with the supreme soul.
Yoga is proficiency in our work.
Yoga is freedom for disturbance of the mind.
Yoga is coordination of mind, body and soul.
Yoga helps us to carry out our daily activities efficiently. It is also a remedy to get rid of psychosomatic diseases related to specially digestive system, respiratory system, vascular system, nervous system etc.
Two therapies are capable of solving the present world health problems & giving good health to all.

Children take part actively in various activities:–
. Inter Ramjas Yoga Competition in three category:-
i) Primary Category
ii) Senior Girls
iii) Senior Boys
. Zonal Yoga competition in two category:-
I. Sub Junior Boys
II. Sub Junior GirlsDelhi State Yoga Competition in two age group
I. 6-12 Years Boys
II. 6-14 Years Girls
. Yoga Children displayed various asans in annual meet, C.B.S.E. Basket Ball Tournament and Inter Ramjas Annual Sports Day.
. They participated in yoga cultural activity in annual function:-
I. Ramjas Foundation day celebration (Yog ka Udgum)
II. School Annual Function (Yog ka Adhar Geeta ka Sar)
. They also made beautiful model of asans.