From Manager’s Desk

“ Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”
It gives me immense pride to be associated with Ramjas School Anand Parbat which resonates with the sounds of erudition and high moral ethics. Our dedicated staff and valued students are inextricable components of this temple of learning.
I believe that “If everyone is moving together, then success takes care of itself,” the entire staff of Ramjas School, Anand Parbat moves with a mission to provide its children with all possible facilities that help them in becoming cultured and successful human beings. We have always believed that “teach a child to experience and appreciate the real wonders of his country and the world; and you will teach him to grow the wings of ambition and soar…soar like a falcon towards the skies with feet firmly planted in core Indian values.”
Teachers are the mentors who inculcate in their students an ethos of healthy competition, and to exult as much in the achievements of others as their own. An educationist must aim at nurturing impassioned belief in the basic goodness of man. The ultimate result will be a peaceful society and peace-offering universe.
Ramjas School forever aspires to create a symphony in the hearts of its young pupils, such that it exudes pure music and propels them to the exalted position that is the beginning of a wonderful dream.
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